Anggi Wijaya
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Selindung Lama Pangkalpinang Kepulauan Babel
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Batin Tikal Pangkalpinang local agency is a government agency which is located jl. Hamidah No. 134 Taman Sari District which is now headed by Mr. Ainal Yaqin, SH In focusing problems and in order not to deviate from the subject, then the extent of the problem that this thesis will discuss the process of population administration. The problem is that the data processing is still done manually, giving rise to various problems, such as the delay in presenting the report to the leadership, poor data storage resulting in wastage of time in the grouping of data, lack of secure data accuracy and the possibility of recording errors in the care of the residents. Authors in analyzing the object-oriented system using methods such as UML use case diagrams, activity diagrams and sequence diagrams. In designing the system the authors use the ERD and LRS. To view the design of the screen I use Microsoft Office Visio 2007. And for database I use Microsoft Office Access 2007. Purpose in writing this paper is expected to assist the Batin Tikal Pangkalpinang local agency improve the existing system with the hope of processing and presenting information population administration that had been done manually can be facilitated with the establishment of a computerized information system design.
Kata Kunci : Object Oriented System, Entity Relationship Diagram, information system, Kelurahan, Administrasi Kependudukan.