Usi Tania
Jl.Jend.Sudirman Selindung Lama Pangkalpinang Kepulauan Babel
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The information system is a system of academic grades that provide information services in the form of academic value data. The existence of this critical information systems. In this case, the SD N 55 Pangkalpinang serve as a place of research, because the information system of academic grades in school have not been managed well so that often complicate the activities of existing academic, such as data processing teacher, processing value of students, student attendance data and other data related to the activities of a student’s academic value. The purpose of this study is to provide convenience at the time of data processing students, simplify the processing of student scores, minimize errors in recording data of students and teachers and improve data security of students and teachers so that data security is guaranteed. And from the purpose of the study produced several utilities that consists of practical utility and academic. The software used is Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 and microsoft acces 2007. Results from this peneiltian is a desktop application named : academic value an information system applications that are designed to facilitate the activities of academic grades in elementary SD N 55 Pangkalpinang.
Kata Kunci:: Information system, academic