Monica Ranita
Jl.Jend.Sudirman Selindung Lama Pangkalpinang Kepulauan Babel
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Kelurahan Kuday is one of the villages of 6 villages in Sungailiat Bangka. The office is located at Jalan Muhidin No. 114 Kuday District Sungailiat-Bangka lead by Mr. Arie Pamungkas,S.STP.,M.Si. In centralize the problems that exist and in order not to deviate from the subject, so in this paper limits the issues to be discussed is the process of Population Data Processing. Problem often encountered is the activity data processing is still done manually, causing a variety of problems, such as delays in presenting the report to leader, data storage media is too much, wasting money and time in the grouping of data, lack of assurance of the accuracy of the data, the possibility of recording errors and longer in the process of service to residents. The author in analyzing the system using methods such as UML activity diagrams, use case diagrams, sequence diagrams and class diagrams. In designing system using ERD and LRS create to draft the display screen writer use Microsoft Office Visio 2007. The database writer use Microsoft Office Access 2010. The author’s intent in this paper is expected to help the Village Kuday to improve the existing system with the hope of presenting information processing and demographic data has been done manually can be facilitated with a computerized information system design.
The key word : Information System, Population Data, Kuday Village