Nurhasman Hari Wibawa
Sistem Informasi STMIK Atma Luhur Pangkalpinang
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PT Bank Mandiri Pangkalpinang is one of company engaged in banking. Various services of services banking in has been implemented by Bank Mandiri in efforts quality improvement, including in it credit channeling. One of the tasks of Bank Mandiri, especially in the field of marketing is to analyze the data customers to know the clients that have the potential to do credit.
On This study, Technique data mining which used for analyze the data customers’ is classification namely with classify all customer data who years ago, as a a reference for the know the customers-customers who will potentially credit. Whereas the method classification which used is Decision Tree (tree decision) and Algorithm who worn as shaper tree his decision is AlgorithmID3.
By because it, implementations data mining this will help the parties bank particularly the field of marketing inside classifying customer data who potentially credit which then will calculated with using algorithm ID3 and generate data is decisions who precise in giving credit to customers.
Keywords : Data mining, Decission Tree, Algorithm ID3, Classification
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