Kiki Kurniasari
Program Studi Sistem Informasi STMIK Atma Luhur Pangkalpinang
Jl. Raya Sungailiat Selindung Baru Pangkalpinang Telp. (0717) 433506
SMP Negeri 2 is located at Jl. No. Adhyaksa. Pangkalpinang 181 is one of the many junior in Pangkalpinang. Founded in 1964 and led by a principal named Hj. Sulasminah, S.Pd, MH. The number of students in SMP 2 is now 474 people. Of the many students, especially for scholarship awardees underprivileged very limited. Because it was so many criteria that can be used as the basis for determining the candidate receiving the most appropriate scholarship.
In this study, the authors raised about poor scholarship, students determine which of them is entitled to receive a scholarship student I, Student II, and student III .
To determine scholarship underprivileged made four levels of criteria. The level 1 criteria that the work of parents, number of siblings, home range, and the value of report cards, level 2 criteria consists of 12 criteria derived from the terms / conditions of recipients. As for the level 3 there are three alternatives that Student I, Student II, and student III .
In choosing the software to determine the scholarship recipients, the writer uses the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) with the tool using Expert Choice 2000.
The results of these elections produce students who are eligible to receive a scholarship underprivileged. Student election results II reached 36.9%. And the most influential factor in the selection process are the factors parents work to reach 42.2%.
Keywords: Prospective scholarship recipients are poor, SMPN 2, Pangkalpinang, Analytical Hierarchy Process, Expert Choice 2000.