Dian Kartika Sari
Sistem Informasi STMIK Atma Luhur Pangkalpinang
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Selindung Lama Pangkalpinang Kepulauan Babel
email: diankartika_sari@ymail.com
Mangkol village is the village engaged in serving the public welfare or the local population. Initial formation Mangkol village in 1983 to the present year 2013, which is located at Jalan Sungai Selan Km.5.5 Beaver Hill New Base Village Mangkol. The process of recording and reporting in the village Mangkol is still done manually, starting from the process of recording the population, form the family card and identity cards, birth certificates printed up report creation. Therefore this is a problem that will hinder the process of data processing and report generation population quickly and accurately so as to be submitted to the Chief Headman be hampered. Based on the above, we need a system that is computerized and appropriate to support the development of well- being as well as an increase in the population of data processing. All that is proposed to solve the problems on the running system.
Kata kunci: family card, identity cards, birth letter
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