Jl. Jend. Sudirman Selindung Lama Pangkalpinang Kepulauan Bangka Belitung
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The Regional Revenue, Financial and Asset Management Office Kepulauan Bangka Belitung Province is a government bureau that manage regional revenue and regional finance and asset. One of the regional revenue office’s responsibility is to manage complex instrument taxes which consist of motor vehicle tax and the cost of motor vehicle owner change. The process of the heavy instrument tax starts from identification and registration process, followed by calculated tax and the last step of the process is payment by vihecle’s owner of the vehicle and report it to heavy vehicles tax revenue division. The current payment system of motor vehicle tax and the cost of motor vehicle owner change still uses manual system, that creates some problem/issues in the process of its database management. These problems includes an owner’s identity is still recorded manually, the tax payment service is slow, errors in tax decision frequently occur, data on transactions are recorded in one folder, information about tax revenue is not accurate and immediately available for public, and details and accurate report on tax revenue is not available. To address these problems, a computerized system of heavy instrument taxation is needed in order to provide prime services to public. Therefore, it will be able to solve the problems on the current system. By applying suggested computerized system it is expected the management of heavy instrument taxation could be well improved and accountable for public. The report of management and provision on processing heavy instrument taxes will be faster and more accurate.
Kata Kunci : Pajak, Alat Berat/Besar, Bea Balik Nama, Kendaraan Bermotor, PKB/BBNKB