Yunita Triana
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Selindung Lama Pangkalpinang Kepulauan
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The Village Parit Lalang is a government agency that addresses Cendawan Street RT: 003 RW: 001 Village Parit Lalang Rangkui District of Pangkalpinang, Bangka Belitung that has been officially used as one of the villages in the district Rangkui Pangkalpinang in 1982. After observing a village Parit Lalang, the administrative activities of the ongoing population is still done manually, even if it has a computer-assisted, but the usage is very simple application, which is still using Microsoft office application package, such as Ms.Word and Ms.Excel. Not to mention the problem of finding the data that has been archived or stored in a computer folder will take a long time to get it. Therefore, the authors will try to design the Population Administration Information System Based Desktop. Applications designed in this system consists of inputting the data (population, Application ID, Registration KK, Letter of Birth, Population Arrival), printing Birth Certificate, Death Certificate, Letter of Population Movement, as well as reports Population Data, Data Request ID Card, Registration Data KK, Birth Data Population, Population Mortality Data, Data Transfer of Population, Population Data Arrival. Thus the importance of making the population administration application program is expected to provide ease of data retrieval, data sources and information to manage and can improve performance by utilizing villages maximum role of information technology, so it will make the process of service in the population will be more rapid, precise, effective and efficient .
Kata Kunci : a. UML, Activity Diagram, Sistem Informasi