Rio Firmansyah
Jl Jend. Sudirman Selindung Lama PangkalpinangKepulauan Babel
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Simpangkatis health center services unit is executing element of local government in the helath sector which has the task of carrying out the affairs of local government based on the principles of autonomy and assistance in the field of helath. Health centers headed by a chief.One of the work units in health centers is part simpangkatis personnel dealing with staffing. The current employee data processing system implemented in simpangkatis health centers are already using the computer, but its use is still common standard thet is using Microsoft word and Excel are stored in a folder that does not result in irregular performance becomes ineffective. To avoid errors and keterlamabatan in processing and acceptance of employee data in this case is made of a computer-based information systems using VB.Net programming language. Where the new data processing system is expected to assist in managing the civil service and employee data processing, so that the performance of the civil service to be more effective and efficient.
Kata Kunci : Health center services , Employee Data Processing and VB.Net