Dhiska Afrilliana
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Selindung Lama Pangkalpinang Kepulauan Bangka Belitung
email : dhiska.afrilliana@gmail.com
Nowadays, development information and communication technology is so fast influence development at various life aspect. Begin from business world until education world feel the benefit. In the world of education now study method not only use conventional method but also with study method is more effective and efficient with computer technology. For example is learning media based on multi media. At elementary school 24 Sungailiat haven’t learning media based on multimedia especially science. Therefore, in this research will be create a learning media based on multimedia with choose elementary school 24 Sungailiat as subject. The purpose of this research was to developed learning media based on multimedia that can increase interest learn of grade VI student at elementary school 24 Sungailiat in science. Besides that it also can to increase effectiveness and efficient time and energy of teacher. The method that used in this research are literature study, observation, interview, analysis and design, making learning media, testing and implementation. This learning media result is formed compact disk so that can be run in computer. With this science learning media was to increase student learning interests and student comprehension in science, especially on plant breeding material, so the learning process to be more effective and efficient.
Kata kunci : Multimedia, science, TIK, perkembangbiakan tumbuhan, pembelajaran.