Dwi Mahardika
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Selindung Lama Pangkalpinang Kepulauan Babel
email: dmd1k4@gmail.com
Expert system is a branch of artificial intelligence that learns how to adopt a way of thinking and reasoning an expert in solving a problem, and then make a decision as well as the conclusion of a number of facts. In this research will be designed an expert system application for diagnosing gastrointestinal disorders diseases of children. Where many parents think it is natural because sometimes seem as light as there is no interference. Besides economic factor, residence distance away by hospital, and a solid routine schedule to be a barrier to consult early. The reasoning of this expert system application uses advanced trace inference method (forward chaining). Where in this method starts with the initial information (early symptoms) and move forward to the next match information to find the information in accordance with the rules, then will conclude a description of the type of disease and the solution. This expert system application development using waterfall methodology, which is step by step is performed sequentially. The result of the research is the application of expert system for diagnosing gastrointestinal disorders diseases of children that has facilities that can help parents deal with early gastrointestinal disorders diseases that suffered by children.
Kata Kunci: expert system, forward chaining, gastrointestinal disorders, waterfall