Jl. Jend. Sudirman Selindung Lama Pangkalpinang Kepulauan Bangka Belitung
Development in technology make computer system evolved. These developments have broad impact on all sectors, including in the field of education. With reference to the school’s academic information services SMS (Short Message Service) to support the achievement of a more advanced education. Chosen communication technology in the form of SMS is due to the more practical, inexpensive, and efficient to deliver informasi.Short message service (SMS) technology is very much in demand and used by many in the community. Besides being superior in terms of practicality and ease of use so the idea to make a SMS Gateway System which can provide information services in the field of education in SD Negeri 05 Pangkalpinang. Operating system running on the gateway SMS Auto Respond systems that can receive SMS and can automatically reply to the SMS. The main objective of this research is making Information Aplication Academic presence and grades based sms gateway. Methods adopted to implement the authors observation, interviews, literature study, analysis and design of Information Academic Academic presence and grades based sms gateway. The results of this study is to provide convenience for the parents to know the value and presence son / daughter in school and makes it easy for the school in the delivery of student grades and presence to the parents of students. Keywords : Short Message Service (SMS) , Gateway , Academic.