Nadzir Muhammad Syafiq Humam
Jl.Jend.Sudirman Selindung Lama Pangkalpinang Kepulauan Babel
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SMK Muhammadiyah Sungailiat is an educational tool that leads to group service in the field machine technic. Not suprisingly, many students choose to continue their education in that field. SMK Muhammadiyah Sungailiat student administration system which until now still manual. Therefore, errors often occur in the processing of the data. Among frequent errors and recording student data, and delays in administrative processes that were deemed too old to be effective and efficient. To overcome these problems, it is necessary computerized system that best fits the students administration and support for the progress and development of the school. So it can solve the problems or constraints on systems running today. By utilizing a computerized system that is good and true, the expected realization of the goals and objective effectively and efficiently.
Kata Kunci: System, Administration and Processing.
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