Anggi Mei Prilana
Jl.Jend.Sudirman Selindung Lama Pangkalpinang Kepulauan Babel
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Advancement of information and comunication technology is growing, it suggests that how importance information for an organization. The continued development of technology, data processsing was mor easily, which used only data processing using the manual input of data such as data archiving. SD Negeri 4 Pagarawan this one school in Bangka island. During teaching and learning activities at schools is still structured and student scores enty by manuall. With manual in clustured storage can allow the data is lost, damaged and complicate the seacrh data. In solving problem faced by the author in analyzing the system running, the auther uses Object Oriented approach consisting of Diagrams UML (Unified Modeling Language. UML Diagrams are used include activity diagrams, use case diagrams, and use case decription. While the design of the system the authors Use the Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD), Transforming ER Diagrams into Logical Record Structure (LRS), table (Relationship) and Spesification database for solving this problem resulted in an information system. The information system to improve the efficiency, accuracy and security of archived documents. Hopepully with a computerized information system for archiving system can alter the performance of each lesson the teacher and learning activities at schools, in the hopes faciliate the parties concerned in finding information.
Keyword : Information System, academic information system, UML