Jl.Jend.Sudirman Selindung Lama Pangkalpinang Kepulauan Babel
The data processing system of Marriage At the Office of the District KUA DIAMOND HILL is one very important factor sekali.Pada The data processing system processes Marriage At the Office of the District KUA this DIAMOND HILL processing the data is still done manually, causing a variety of problems, such as delays in presenting the report to the leadership , data storage is not good so wasteful of time in the grouping of data. The author in analyzing beriontasi system objects using methods such as UML use case diagrams, activity diagrams, class diagrams and charts seuquence. In designing system using ERD author and LRS. To display screen design Ofiice author uses Microsoft Visio 2007. And for the database I use Microsoft Ofiice 2007.
The purpose of writing this thesis is expected to help the District Office Bukit Intan Pangkalpinang to improve the existing system in the hope of processing and presentation that had been done manually can be facilitated with the making of the design of a computerized information system, will be expected to support the achievement of objectives such as the ease of use of the system in presenting quality reports as well as meet the needs of management, and efficient time in presenting the report to the leadership
Kata Kunci Elementary School Number 4 Of Sungailiat, data proccessing of the value, school administration