Maruli Reinhart
Sistem Informasi STMIK Atma Luhur Pangkalpinang
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Selindung Lama Pangkalpinang Kepulauan Babel
Elementary School of 43 is an educational institution under the auspices of the government’s education department wich is addressed at Pintu Air Pangkalpinang established in 1973. At Elementary School of 43 are still weaknesses in terms of areas such as student assessment studies, difficulty knowing the value of the learners, and the value of the data processing is often slow student, teacher and schedule data processing was slow and difficult, and the use of Ms. Office in any business transaction system is running. To overcome the problems encountered in the above, it is necessary to study information systems Student Assessment results are computerized and integrated in order to provide convenience and meminimalisier errors in data processing student outcomes assessment study by the administration.
Kata kunci: assessment student, schedule, education
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