Riven Wijaya
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Selindung Lama Pangkalpinang Kepulauan Babel
Email : wijayariven@rocketmail.com
Information grades and attendance-based SMS gateway is an application which the authors wake academic information on SMP Santo Paulus Pangkalpinang. In these applications devoted to serve the demand value and attendance of students that can only be accessed by guardians of students enrolled in the Junior St. Paul Pangkalpinang by way of registration in accordance with pre-defined SMS format. During this limited access to academic information guardians of students to the information value of the task, the UTS and UAS grades, attendance, announcements become one of the problems why this application is built with the aim guardians of students can monitor their children in school and learning activities. Information grades and attendance-based SMS gateway will provide reliable services to inform their grades and attendance for guardians of students with limited time and distance. Hopefully, these applications can be received with good and beneficial for students and the school trustees.
Kata kunci : Information grades, attendance information, SMS gateway
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