Dewi Purnama Sari
Jl. Jend. Sudirman, Selindung Lama, Pangkalpinang, Kepulauan Babel
Geographic information system (GIS) is getting to thrive. Easy access to geographic information system providing benefits for everyone because very large can be accessed for 24 hours through the internet. Geographic information system (GIS) there have been many developed in various fields of science no exception in the agriculture sector, especially in the agriculture sector crops. The application of geographic information system (GIS) in the agriculture sector is very important role in providing information to wider community. The existence of geographic information system (GIS) this will facilitate access to information in the community agriculture crops that they need. Information can include a picture in give information or data via the internet. Geographic information system (GIS) mapping pangkalpinang agriculture crops in the city used as media notice the location of agriculture crops described in the form of mapping the location. The results of the application of geographic information system in the agriculture sector can be in the store and crops can be developed.
Key words: Agriculture crops, (GIS), Technology
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