Ria Angelina Rimang
Jl.Jend.Sudirman Selindung Lama Pangkalpinang Kepulauan Babel
email : queenlrangel@yahoo.co.id
DINSOSNAKER (Department of Social Welfare and Labor) Bangka implement elements of the Social and Labour Job in Bangka regency government, led by the Head of Department under and accountable to the Regent Bangka. DINSOSNAKER (Department of Social Welfare and Labor) Bangka Regency is located at Jl. A. Yani Jalur II Pemda Sungailiat. DINSOSNAKER (Department of Social Welfare and Labor) Bangka have some technical areas, sub-sections, and the technical implementation unit, one of the sub-section of this office (Department of Social Welfare and Labor) Bangka is a common part of data collection and processing personnel employees, the problem is not yet fully computerized data processing, this results in less efficient employees in the collection of data in presenting information. To avoid errors in data collection employee in this case creating a computer-based information systems using VB.Net programming language. Where new data processing system which can be done quickly, though the amount of data that includes a relatively large and the accuracy of calculations and reports can be achieved as much as possible so that errors in entering data and calculating the relative did not happen. Efficient in processing time and completion reports will be better.
Kata Kunci: DINSOSNAKER, Employee Data Processing and VB.Net