Rahmat Kurniawan
Jl.Jend.Sudirman Selindung Lama Pangkalpinang Kepulauan Bangka Belitung
email : biu.kurniawan@yahoo.com
SMK Sore Pangkalpinang is an educational institution located in Jln. I Mustika, Semabung Lama seeking to implement vocational education institutions accountable as a center of competence and educate human resources who have a work ethic and competence of international standard. Problems encountered at SMK afternoon is often the accumulation of data in the storage closet and result in difficulty in the search data even data loss. in the delivery of information, as well as the frequent occurrence of errors in data entry and slow process involving the Student Administration. Based on these problems then be made to the Student Administration System Information Evening Pangkalpinang SMK using vb 2008, which will be very helpful in the process of working on parts such as the TU, finance and teacher BK concerning the administration of the student as well as safely in a well-managed data storage in the database.
Kata Kunci: Administration Student Information System, a database, vb 2008.