Fajri Fauzan Saputra
Sistem Informasi STMIK ATMA LUHUR PANGKALPINANG Jl.Jend.Sudirman
Selindung Lama Pangkalpinang Kepulauan Babel
email : fajrifauzan12@yahoo.co.id
Population data processing at the village office rawa bangun still done using typewriters. Data storage is still in paper form. So that in serving the community takes a long time. Besides the security of the data is still not guaranteed, because the data is damaged or lost. This population data processing system can store data of the population, and the population as a whole look at the data with the report. So if people need information, staff can quickly cater to just open an existing report on this system. Reported the number of births and deaths to determine the number of people who were born and the number of people who died, as well as residents report that came and moved from the village rawa bangun. In the village office computer rawa bangun already there, but with a lack of understanding of the work force of the system, making the village office rawa bangun still using manual systems.
Kata Kunci : Sistem informasi, data penduduk
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