Lili Pitriyana
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Selindung Lama Pangkalpinang Kepulauan Babel
Pagarawan local agency is a government agency which is located jl. Balun ijuk,Merawang District Pagarawan village which is now headed by Mr. Ir.Muhammad Jailani. In focusing problems and in order not to deviate from the subject, then the extent of the problem that this thesis will discuss the process of populate administration. Purpose in writing this paper is expected to assist the Office of the Chief of the Village Pagarawan improve the existing system with the hope of processing and presenting information populate admininistration that had been done manually can be facilitated with the establishment of a computerized information system design. With the computerized system, it is expected to support the achievement of goals such as ease of users in the system provides reports – reports of quality and meet the needs of management, time efficiency in the conduct of postal services to the citizens, the documents produced higher quality output and informative, increase the effectiveness of data processing in order to produce the information needed to complete and can be generated at any time if needed, and improve the quality of services to those in need
Kata Kunci Administrasi, administrasi kependudukan, pagarawan