Lia Anggreini Astuti Ratu
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Selindung Lama Pangkalpinang Kepulauan Bangka Belitung
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Along with the advancement of science and technology, computers have been used for a variety of purposes and interests. The computer becomes a very important part to support activities and work in every way. In educational activities was necessary to have a computerized system to facilitate the activities of teachers or related parts in the data entry. SMP Negeri 8 Pangkalpinang public school is one that has been put on the use of information systems in the form of computer equipment in carrying out its activities, but its use has not been thoroughly. In the data processing is still using Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel so the data is still not arranged in a neat and hard to get information quickly. Suppose the value of data that is often a problem for the teacher and the teacher’s homeroom teacher, because the teachers have to repeatedly enter the data values that so many students are forcing teachers to work two times the value in data recording, as well as the homeroom teacher have to wait for the value to be included in the report cards. Similarly, the data of students, teachers, classes, and subjects as well as preparing reports per semester. So the effectiveness of the TU-time performance, curriculum, Studentship, and teachers are not ideal. As a solution to the above problems faced, then the presentation of Data Information System Academic Junior High School 8 Pangkalpinang very supportive of these problems. The method of analysis used in the development of this application is based on Object Oriented Activity Diagram, Use Case Diagram, tools that are used to describe the design of Entity Relationship diagrams (ERD) and Class Diagrams. To build this application is software that is used as an application in VB.Net programming interface design and Ms.Access as DBMS for database design.
Kata kunci :Sistem Informasi, Data Akademik, Siswa