Tria Wulan
Sari Program Studi Sistem Informasi, STMIK Atma Luhur Pangkalpinang
Jl. Raya Sungailiat Selindung Baru Pangkalpinang 33127
A good information system is not only used to perfom electronic data storage, but able to support the analysis process required management. Therefor, the author makes a study titled learning information systems on elementary school student Santa Maria Goretti based desktop application. The method used in this study in the form of observations, interviews, and methods of literature. This research aims to simplify the school in terms of processing or to search information, makes it easy for the school to monitor the learning progress of each student, facilitate the school in minimizing errors, and can present a fast and accurate reports, so thar it can support the decision making.
Kata kunci Inforamation, system, dekstop application, analysis, report
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