Deni wahyono
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Selindung Lama Pangkalpinang Kepulauan Babel
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ARI (Acute Respiratory Infection) is a disease which is endemic in Indonesia. ISPA is the cause of viruses, bacteria and fungi. However, most are caused by viruses. And factors that accelerate the ISPA are smokers, alcohol drinkers (alcohol), Mallnutrisi (nutritional deficiencies), People with lung disease and chronic respiratory tract, contaminated air and food that is not sterile. This expert system is built to diagnose respiratory disease caused by viral infections, bacteria and fungi. This expert system can provide information about the disease, its definition and treatment. Making expert system using PHP and MySQL as database. This expert system inference method used is a forward chaining, where the percentage obtained from calculations using the classical probability opportunities P (A) where A is a symptom, n is the total number of symptoms, and nA is the number of results to get A. Test results of consultation with this system shows that the system is able to determine how the disease and its treatment should be done, based on the symptoms that the user perceived.
Keywords : Expert System, ARI, Forward Chaining, Classical Probability