Muhamad Fadholly
Jl. Jend Sudirman Pangkalpinang Prov. Kep. Bangka Belitung
English language was relatively international standards used. And english language is one of the key achievements for can continue english lesson on to a higher level or next level. A medium of learning english “T elling The Time” can be provided by making use of computer technology in the shape of interactive multimedia. The Existing problems in this research is how the technology used to make language learning application to make it more interactive English Lessons that can be used by elementary school students in order to enhance the interest and motivation of learning especially in the introduction of time or hours.
The benefits expected from the creation of the learning media is supporting the learning process as students become more interactive, dynamic and interesting so as to arouse students interest and motivation in learning, especially in the introduction of time and hours.
Kata Kunci : Learning, English Language, Multimedia, Telling The Time.
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