Zainudin Saputra
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Selindung Lama Pangkalpinang Kepulauan Babel
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This writing is a requirement to complete our study in technique informatics (STMIK) ATMA LUHUR Pangkalpinang. The goals are to building and to designing the lighting control using a microcontroller via a LAN (Local Area Network) network`s in SMKN 2 Pangkalpinang . It shows the growing importance of practicality and efficiency led to the need to control various electrical loads is not only done by requiring near electrical devices and the push button on / off switch but can also be done remotely. Lighting control system through a LAN network in SMKN 2 Pangkalpinang are controlled via a LAN network using technology with the aim that one can control the lights in the house without having to press the light switch. With network modules forwarded as the media and from the computer into the circuit can produce the desired output. before instructing a computer program to enable or disable the tool based on user requests the program first will ask for the status of each tool from the tool, this processed in webserver. Out put of the test in this final form is the control device in any way of lights. There are four controls the network modules of the tool as a medium of information that you want to control.
Kata Kunci : LAN, Network Module, Webserver, Lamp