Destriadi Purwanto
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Selindung Lama Pangkalpinang Kepulauan Babel
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Pangkalpinang city is the capital of the province of Bangka Belitung Islands have a population that much. The majority of the population is Moslem Pangkalpinang city, need a place of worship scattered Pangkalpinang region. But still many people who do not know all of the location of the mosque is located in the city Pangkalpinang. Many communities also outside the city Pangkalpinang who do not know the location of the mosque while traveling and want to practice their religion while Pangkalpinang town. So we need a solution to help people in mengeteahui location of the mosque. Application of geographic information system mapping of the mosque is a good solution that can be used. Due to the existence of a geographic information system that displays a map of the location and information of the mosque, people will easily get the information simply by accessing WebGIS and connected to the Internet.
Kata Kunci: webgis, geographic information systems, health centers.
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