Busairi Anshori
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Selindung Lama Pangkalpinang Kepulauan Babel
email : anshorytamimi@ymail.com
SD Negeri 8 Namang is a public elementary school located in Central Bangka regency. In conducting its activities the school provides student learning outcomes only at the end of the semester when distributing rapot, by providing an invitation to parents with very slather paper leaflets that many time-consuming paper and paper media and spend quite a lot. Based on this background then be made based Academic Applications SMS Gateway for Service Information to Parents on SD Negeri 8 Namang using system design ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram), LRS (Logical RecordStructure), Sequence Diagrams and Class Diagrams. In the application, there are several such User Admin, Principal and Parents. SMS Gateway can be used to access information about students in schools that are expected to simplify, accelerate, while saving costs for the schools in disseminating information to parents in fulfilling the needs of important information about the development of their child.
Kata kunci : SD Negeri 8 Namang , SMS Gateway , squence Diagram .
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