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CV. Vitos Multi Kontrak (VMK) is a business branch of the business group Gerai Gruvito began to stand on October 2013 which is engaged partnered with one off the largest quartz sand mining company in Indonesia, PT. Walie Tampas Citratama production in the region is capable of operating in the mining village districts Lubuk Besar Central Bangka regency with offices located at the bottom of large highway No. 10 RT. 001 RW. 001 Perlang – Central Bangka 33181. The production process itself is conducted by using machines that require operational support production of goods such as machinery and spareparts itself as well as the diesel fuel and gasoline. In daily activities as well, the company uses the power admin as recording the minutes of the working operations of the start time for work, procurement of goods (processes in), the use of the goods (processes out), absenteeism of workers to process data recording product. One effort to do is improve and made improvements to the administrative operations of oil palm plantation management with computerized systems and integrated in order to provide precise and accurate information as a basis for decision making.
Kata Kunci : Operasional kerja, produksi, mesin, sparepart, bahan bakar minyak (BBM), pengadaan barang, penggunaan barang, produksi, sistem adminitrasi